Leeds Owl Trail

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You might not have thought it, but Owls are quite a big of Leeds history. The Leeds coat of arms has three of them on it. Statues of the owls can be found on building all over the city, but then two Leeds artist took the time to find them and and make the ‘Owl trail’. And now you can as well. The map is on the Leeds Owl Trail website, so anyone can join in. So if you want a free activity, why not explore a bit more of Leeds while you’re following the wise old owl. The link for my podcast can be found here

Leeds City Museum


Located right in the heart of Leeds, the city museum is perfect for a day out.Free entry to the public, this museum has something for everyone. Since its restoration the museum has become alot more spacious, and more kid friendly exhibits are now on display as well. Leeds City museum is also home the Iconic ‘Leeds Tiger’, a stuffed big that has been in the city for decades. The museum also looks into the history of the city, such as how religion has shaped the city in the past. You can the link to my podcast here


Now this is something you are going to want to try. Geocaching turns your smartphone into a modern day treasure map. All you need is an account and the geocaching app, which are both free, and then your off to go find your treasure. Geocaching has been around for several years now, but recently it seems to have taken off. There are over 13,000 geocache capsules in Leeds alone. the link for my audio podcast can be found here

Leeds Central Library

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Leeds Central Library is a testament to how highly Britain values education. This vast and amazing resource is open to the public free of charge, as with all libraries. With endless scope for reading and expanding your knowledge, or enjoying a good fiction, Central library is the perfect place if you’re looking for  something to do. From tapestries to newspaper and journal archives, or just enjoying the breathing taking Victorian architecture, its a very good place to lose an hour or two. You can find the link to my video blog here

The Tetley Gallery

Screen Shot 2016-05-22 at 16.10.42As I continue to look for more interesting and fun things to do for free, I found this place. This Contemporary Art Gallery has been set up inside an Tetley Bear Brewery, however the art deco building seems like the perfect for such a gallery. When I visited, the exhibition ‘No Quiet Place’ was on. The artwork had both visual and sonic aspects, making social commentary on how our modern society creates constant and inescapable noise. The link for my video blog can be found here

Kirkstall Abbey

Hey there guys, my name is Connor Morrison. I have made this blog as to share with everyone what amazing things you can do around the city of Leeds that do not cost you a penny. For my first post I went to see Kirkstall Abbey. The Monastery Ruins are set in the Kirkstall Abbey park, a huge green open space. The park also sits on the bank of the river Aire, allowing for nice riverside walks. You can find the link to my video blog here